Health Impact Fund
Delink the price of drugs from the cost of research.
As currently designed, pharmaceutical markets have a fundamental flaw that mainly affects poor people: the development of new medicines is funded exclusively through markups protected by patents. This flaw causes research neglect of diseases concentrated among the poor. It deprives poor people of access to patented medicines even when these can be mass-produced cheaply. And it encourages suboptimal treatment with medicines that earn much higher markups than those that are best for the patient. The Health Impact Fund would create complementary incentives that delink the price of medicines from the fixed costs of innovation and cover the latter through health impact rewards.
Benefits for Patients.
The Health Impact Fund would expand the range of available medicines, improve access to medicines and reduce the danger of medical errors.
The Health Impact Fund would expand the range of available medicines, improve access to medicines and reduce the danger of medical errors.

An important first step is a Health Impact Fund Pilot.The pilot is conceived as a five-year project that would have pharmaceutical innovators compete for a share of a fixed reward pool. The money would be distributed among the participating organizations according to the health gains each would achieve by introducing a medicine to a low- or lower-middle income country where it was previously unavailable.
Health Impact Fund: Making New Medicines available to everyone